Silver Retractable Barrier Pole

When you require an efficient crowd control solution for your hospitality venue, government institution, or any setting grappling with managing long queues, explore our extensive selection! We have garnered recognition nationwide for our comprehensive range of display and crowd control solutions, all offered at highly competitive prices.
Within our assortment, you'll discover top-notch silver retractable barrier poles designed for easy assembly, even by non-professionals. Crafted from premium materials such as stainless steel and durable retractable tapes, these barriers are built to withstand years of use in a variety of situations. Moreover, their retractable design ensures flexibility in adapting to spaces of varying sizes and configurations.
Choose our crowd control solutions to streamline and enhance crowd management effortlessly, as they are available for purchase online or over the phone, with nationwide delivery for your ease and satisfaction.


Red Casettle Wall Attachement

Red Casettle Wall Attachement


$45.00 ($49.50 Incl. GST)

Yellow CasettleWallAttachement

Yellow CasettleWallAttachement


$55.00 ($60.50 Incl. GST)